In this special interview on The Sound of Accra Podcast, Adrian sits down with property millionaire Samuel Leeds. He is an experienced property investor, TV Landlord and entrepreneur with a passion for big dreams and aspirations. His advice to start small and build up comes from his own experience in making mistakes on first projects and the huge amount of planning required for large ventures. 


We dive into Samuel’s experiences and observations in Ghana, exploring the country’s development, investment opportunities, and challenges in the real estate industry. From discussing the benefits of traveling to Accra to the intricacies of property ownership and renting, this engaging conversation covers a wide range of topics. Furthermore, we explore his involvement in property investments and his dedication to helping others achieve financial freedom through real estate. This is an enlightening discussion that encapsulates the essence of investment in Africa and beyond.

Connect with Samuel Leeds and check out one of his £1 courses

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samuelleeds/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samuel-leeds/ 

Website: https://www.samuelleeds.com/

Attend one of Samuel Leeds Property Crash Courses in 2024. Tickets only £1

Rent to Rent Crash Course 

May 17th – 25th: https://www.samuelleeds.com/tour/rent-to-rent-crash-course/

Deal Sourcing Crash Course

June 21st-29th: https://www.samuelleeds.com/tour/deal-sourcing-crash-course/


Property Investors Crash Course

July 19th-27th: https://www.samuelleeds.com/tour/property-investors-crash-course/ 


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00:00 Intro

05:01 Start small, build up for ambitious projects.

08:44 Experience and knowledge are more important than money.

10:46 Investing in Ghana is accessible and easy.

13:12 Discussion on Ghanaian diaspora and property affordability.

16:15 Rich people busy, investing, facing hierarchy.

22:32 Diversifying investments strategically with full control.

23:30 Smart move to invest in trustworthy developers.

29:20 Season 5 interview: SESO Global land acquisition in Ghana

31:45 Investing strategically internationally in property development business.

34:53 Similar occupancy rates and pricing in different locations.

36:30 Land value increased significantly, missed investment opportunity.


39:22 Samuel shares advice and future plans.



Primary Topic: Impressions of Ghana

– Positive impressions of Ghana’s development and accessibility for investment and travel

– Emphasis on direct flights from Heathrow to Ghana in 6 hours

– Benefits of traveling to Ghana, such as being in the same time zone as the UK and year-round sunny weather

– Feeling safe in Ghana compared to other countries

– Recognition received in Ghana and interest in activities there

Primary Topic: Challenges and Opportunities for Real Estate Investment in Ghana

– Affordability issues and the requirement to pay 2 years’ rent in advance

– Success story of a real estate entrepreneur in Ghana who overcame financial difficulties

– Service accommodation industry success in Africa, particularly in Ghana

– Opportunities for land banking and development in Africa

– Popular real estate developer Kofi Anku and his developments in Ghana, particularly the Pokwasi Heights project near Accra

– Challenges of property ownership and renting in Ghana, with an emphasis on financial difficulties

Primary Topic: Property Investment Strategies and Principles

– Importance of giving back and helping others with wealth, particularly in Africa

– Development called Cheddars in Africa, especially in Ghana, with a focus on its location and functionality

– Investment opportunities in Ghana and Accra

– Property investors crash course, experiences, and positive recommendation

– Opportunities in completing unfinished building projects in Ghana

– Importance of starting small and building up gradually in real estate

– Diversifying investments in different countries to spread risks

– Advising against investing what you can’t afford to lose and strategically starting small when investing overseas

– Importance of knowledge and experience in real estate investment

Primary Topic: International Property Investments and Business Expansion

– Involvement in property investments in Uganda, UK, US, Portugal, and other international locations

– Expansion of training business to serve students globally, indicating a shift towards a more international entrepreneurial mindset

Primary Topic: Finance and Property Investment in Africa

– High interest rates and inflation in Ghana

– Importance of finding trustworthy stakeholders in Africa

– Risks and challenges associated with off-plan investments in various countries

– High mortgage rates and potential returns on investment in various currencies

– Importance of being a problem solver and not a victim for rich people’s problems

– Managing risks, particularly in construction projects

Primary Topic: Introduction and Personal Background

– Samuel Leeds’ property investments in various countries and his principles of property investing

– Tentative property venture and diversification of investments

Primary Topic: Show Introduction and Hosts’ Connection to Ghana

– Introduction of Samuel Leeds as a property entrepreneur

– Discovery of Samuel Leeds’ work in Ghana and connection to the country through his wife

– Samuel Leeds’ construction of two hotels in the UK and other property investments

Primary Topic: Universal Applicability of Property Investment Strategies

– The universal applicability of property investment strategies and principles

– Efforts to help others achieve financial freedom through property investments

This sequence covers a comprehensive overview of the topics discussed in the text, detailing the various sub-topics covered within each primary topic.




1. What are the key benefits and challenges for property investment in Ghana

2. How does the direct flight from Heathrow to Ghana in just 6 hours impact the accessibility and attractiveness of Ghana as a potential investment destination?

3. What are some of the distinctive features of property ownership and rental in Ghana, and how do they compare to those in other countries?

4. How does Samuel Leeds emphasize the importance of giving back and helping others with wealth, particularly in Africa, during the episode?

5. What role does Cheddars in Africa, specifically in Ghana, play in the conversation, and how does it tie into the discussion of development and location in the country?

6. What success stories and challenges are discussed in relation to the service accommodation industry in Africa, particularly in Ghana?

7. How do Samuel Leeds explore the opportunities for land banking and development in Africa, and what implications do they have for potential investors?

8. In what way does infrastructure projects in Ghana, including the Pokuasi Heights project near Accra, shape the conversation about property investments in the country?

9. What insight is provided regarding the challenges of high interest rates and inflation in Ghana, and how are they addressed in the context of property investments and financing?

10. How does Samuel Leeds emphasize the importance of starting small, gaining experience, and being strategic in property investments, especially in overseas markets like Ghana?


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