This week, Adrian speaks to Michael Ekow Richardson, a British-Ghanaian, Husband and Father, and also the Co-Founder of Destination Africa, an online and in-person community dedicated to empowering and inspiring the next generation of Africans and more. With a background as a software engineer and professional basketball. Michael decided once he became a father to apply his passions to inspiring and empowering the next generation of young leaders. These days, Michael uses his IT skills as the technological mind behind all things Destination Africa and on the odd occasion, you’ll find him coaching on the basketball court.

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Connect with Michael & Destination Africa
Website: https://www.thedestinationafrica.com/
 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/destafricagrp/
 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/destafricagrp
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DestinationAfricaGroupTV


0:00 Intro 0:55 Icebreaker 2:30 What is Destination Africa 4:00 Afroparenting 6:00 Learning fluent Twi and Portuguese 8:14 Passing on Twi to kids 12:00 Will Twi become Extinct 14:00 Moving to Ghana during Year of Return 15:10 Why destination Africa 16:40 Investing in kids and relocating to Africa 19:30 Why Ghana needs Destination Africa 20:50 Loving where you are from and who you are 22:20 Jellof rice Challenge 25:50 Business Model 26:45 Who Destination Africa is for 27:20 Destination Africa Academy 29:30 Modules 30:00 Building the next global Africa 31:00 Sankofa 33:00 Speaking Twi 37:00 2023 plans 38:25 Tips for African Parents 40:00 Announcements, Outro and links


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– Introduction of Michael Ekor Richardson, co-founder of Destination Africa
– Overview of Destination Africa as an Afro parenting platform
– Objective of Destination Africa to encourage and support parents on their parenting journey
– Focus on helping children develop their potential and become leaders of tomorrow
– Explanation of Afro parenting and its unique cultural practices and challenges
– The founders’ desire to address those challenges and provide a space for Afro parents to share experiences and learn from each other
– Discussion on the inspiration behind Destination Africa and the need for intentional parenting in the Afro community
– Focus on the main goal for Destination Africa in 2023: expanding the platform and creating new content
– Emphasis on immersing people in African and Ghanaian culture and teaching heritage to future generations
– Richardson encourages aspiring or existing parents to join a network and be intentional about parenting
– Importance of having a vision for children’s future and investing in their development from an early age
– Mention of investment in property and academics, but prioritizing cultural identity preparation
– Reference to Destination Africa’s website and social media accounts

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