Jason Agbodza

jason agbodza


In this powerful episode of The Sound of Accra Podcast, Adrian catches up with close university friend and successful investor, Jason Agbodza, who is a day trader for a living, and runs a successful business in trading after quitting the corporate rate race, and gives listeners some great takeaways from self-development. 

In this episode, we discuss things like:

  • How Jason made the transition from full-time corporate wealth management employment to a successful trading business
  • How important mindset has been for Jason and for anyone who wants to achieve financial freedom
  • What stands out in trading as a tool for building wealth
  • Some tips for listeners and personal development

    And much more


“We do become what we think about most of the time, and that’s the strangest secret”- Earl Nightingale.

Jason worked at wealth management investment banks including JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs before getting into Trading.

Commit to your growth and read books on your commute to work.

Started trading with a small group of individuals  which he has helped to grow to an astounding size of 430 people including: Ghana, Nigeria, India, UK, New York, New Jersey, Kenya and many more countries and cities, in just under two years

The common denominator between success and failure is mindset.

It doesn’t matter what wealth vehicle you want to employ (e.g. stocks, property, trading, cryptocurrency, network marketing, etc), if you want financial freedom, you must be willing to sacrifice.

If you want to obtain more, you first must become more.

The type of trading Jason focuses on is Forex; the largest financial market in the world, generating well over 6 trillion dollars a day.

Tip: Become your own boss and learn how to manage your own time and expectations. Apply pressure to yourself to press forward. 

Trading is not a get rich quick scheme, it takes time to build the skill.

Business is all about adding value to peoples’ lives or needs.

F.A.I.L = First attempt in Learning

F.O.C.U.S = Following one course until successful 

Thomas Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. It’s the 1,0001 attempt at learning he was finally a success.

Success has already been achieved. Just emulate the successful.

Multiple streams of income is important – Ecclesiastes 11:2: But divide your investments among many places, for you do not know what risks might lie ahead (Bible Verse) 

Dan Lok- I failed at 13 businesses – Here’s what I learned

Jason’s philosophy: ‘ I am not a tree and I have the ability. to move’




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